Seven Deadly Sins: Things That Make Zero Sense About King

Seven Deadly Sins: Things That Make Zero Sense About King

King has made numerous dubious decisions in the past, some of which are illogical.

In The Seven Deadly Sins, King is the Grizzly’s Sin of Sloth, but he is also King of the Fairies. King has made numerous dubious decisions in the past, some of which are illogical. He attempted, but failed, to rescue his friends from the wilderness. He even chose to delete Diane’s memory of him, and with every blunder, he felt less and less deserving of the title of King of the Fairies. His blunders are what allow him to develop as a character, from a youngster who understood little about the world to the King he was destined to be. He does everything he can to defend those he loves about, especially Diane.

He Thinks His Other Form Is Cool

Like the other fairies, King has the power to change his appearance. He just changes into a “regal appearance,” as he puts it. He appears to be a chubby, elderly man as a result of this.

Even though this ability drained him, he maintained this appearance for long periods of time before the Sins were framed. Despite the fact that others have told him that this appearance isn’t cool, and Diane has even screamed when she sees it, he hasn’t changed his mind.

He Did Not Send Someone Else After Helbram

Knowing that Helbram was in danger, King’s first inclination was to go save him. He felt guilty for not intervening to prevent Helbram from meeting with humans. Elaine requested him to stay because he was in charge of the forest’s protection.

Because King isn’t the only fairy in the forest with magical abilities, he could have instructed someone else to go after them first. He took a chance by embarking on a journey he couldn’t promise he’d return from.

King Is Physically Weak

Although King is skilled with his Spirit Weapon and fairy magic, he is a complete novice when it comes to physical warfare. He can absorb a few blows, but he can’t deal much damage with his fists. He makes no attempt to correct this flaw, but if he had, he would have had another tool in his armory in situations where he couldn’t rely on his magic.

King Loses His Tournament Battle Instantly

Seven Deadly Sins: Things That Make Zero Sense About King

King is forced to participate in the Vaizel Fight Festival, despite not being nearly as enthusiastic about a fist-fight combat as Meliodas and Ban were. He miraculously stays in the ring by flying above the earth throughout the opening round.

However, he did not have the same luck in the next round. King loses his fight against Cain Barzard very immediately. He can be sent flying out of the ring by the old man, much to his shame.

He & Diane Lose Their Memories A Lot

Seven Deadly Sins: Things That Make Zero Sense About King

In the series, there is a staggering level of memory loss. Every time Elizabeth is resurrected, she loses her memories, and Gowther erases his own. At some point in their lives, both King and Diane have lost their memories.

Shortly after leaving the jungle, King lost his memory, while Diane lost her memory twice. The first time she lost her memory, it was because of the King, and the second time it was due to Gowther. It doesn’t seem reasonable that memory loss could be so widespread.